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Organelle Cell Cycle

The Yeast Cell Cycle
Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle Organelle Cell Cycle

After completing our last project for Kumar Lab at the University of Michigan, Organelle View, the head of the lab, Anuj Kumar, wanted us to take the next step. He wanted an educational tool to illustrate the background behind Organelle View.

The two main Principles behind Organelle View are: 1. Proteins take their shape based on the code in an organism's DNA. and 2. Proteins localize throughout the cell, performing specific tasks in the various organelles. To address both of these, we created a 3D yeast cell cycle that is searchable for a few example proteins, and we created a short series of mini animations that explain how proteins are produced and distributed throughout the cell.

Geared at highschool and freshman undergraduate level biology students, The Yeast Cell Cycle makes some of the key concepts that they learn in their classes much more dimensional. It also provides a first step to understanding and using Organelle View and Organelle DB.

After a great deal of research and consultation with Anuj, we completed The Yeast Cell Cycle and submitted it to the National Science Foundation's annual Visualization Challenge.

The Yeast Cell Cycle >>
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